Low Carb Keto Cream Cheese Pancakes

These were easy to make and yummy!

4 pancakes

2 servings

Nutrition each serving:

Calories 390 k/cal

Fat 35g

Protein 16g

Carbs 3g


4 oz cream cheese

4 eggs

I added a pkt of Splenda (optional)

Butter ~4 tsp


Put cream cheese and eggs in a blender. I took my blender off and shook it to have an even batter.

Place a pat of butter in small pan and melt.

Pour batter to cover bottom of pan.

When you see the sides turning up, flip (about 2 mins on medium heat).

Cook another minute and plate.



2nd verse, same as the first!

Well my first week of being 50 has been fabulous!

An old friend, Beryl, came to town from Georgia. She hadn’t been home in 7 years and we had a get together at Terra Fermata… one of my best memories of Beryl is that when I was so exhausted from being a new, young, single mom and working full time, she came over, packed up my baby and took him for an overnight. More than once! I cannot even begin to tell you how fortunate and grateful I was for that simple act of kindness.

Beryl's welcome home party.

Beryl’s welcome home party.

I also ran a 5K my first week of being 50. The Reindeer Dash. It was my first real run since fracturing my foot. I’ve done some minimal interval training, but no real running. I thought I was going to die! It is still hot and humid here in sunny South Florida! By mile one I was gasping for air, but I finished it! My friend Shannon and her daughter ran back to where I was and finished it with me. The support I have from my friends is nothing short of AMAZING! My friend Ed took first place in the mens 50-54 and Shannon took 3rd in the women’s 40-44. So super proud of them both! Elizabeth hit a PR and I think that Dana did too! This was 12 year old Breeze’s first 5K!



And my daughter Tiffany and I started the Attack phase of Dukan yesterday. I have gained back almost 30 pounds of my 100+ lb weight loss. I am eating well, but haven’t been MOVING or drinking enough water. It amazes me how fast it creeps on. But I will not be beaten! LOL… I am a fighter and just need to buckle down. I can make excuses all day long, but the bottom line is I am not making enough time for ME! I have spread myself out very thin and it is effecting my weight and my health. That stopped yesterday!

Attack Day 1:
Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, 1 FF Greek Yogurt, coffee
Lunch: Stir fry steak and onions
Snack: Boiled Egg
Dinner: Lean pork chop with onions, garlic and ginger
Snack: FF greek yogurt with flax seed meal
Water: 1000 mL (need to increase!!!)
Exercise: 32 minute walk with Tiffany and Kapone

So fortunate to be able to still be out walking on the waterfront in December in shorts and tank tops!

So fortunate to be able to still be out walking on the waterfront in December in shorts and tank tops!

Tiff and I were suppose to fly to San Antonio Monday morning on a business trip for our billing business, but ice storms in Dallas prevented us from going. So we decided that Monday was the day to start, and we did! I’m down 1.5 pounds since yesterday morning 🙂

I hope everyone has a fantastic week! I sure plan on it!


Dukan Attack Days 1-4 and PV Day 1

I’m doing the Dukan dance 😀

I was up 17 pounds over my Dukan True Weight, 27 pounds over my goal weight and when I had to suck it in last week to put on those size 8 jeans I worked my ass off to get into, I took control and jumped back in.

Problem… been eating too many gluten free replacement foods. Like Mary’s Gone Crackers. Oh, and maybe a bag of Fritos Originals once a week, or so. And maybe a glass of wine or two a week. And it adds up… I maintained at the 148-152 for over 6 months and then I got complacent. And I don’t mean eating poorly… because I don’t eat poorly at all, ever… I mean adding in too many carbs and probably too much fat and not paying attention.

Funny enough, I’ve had PLENTY of exercise. Although I haven’t been running, I walk 4.5 miles 4x a week. And bike ride more than 10 miles on Sunday. And I gained 12 of those pounds above in Australia where I was more active than ever! Hiking, climbing, snorkeling and swimming nearly every single day. And walking each night with the family I was staying with after dinner. Carbs… they don’t like me.

Weights for the week:
6/17 – 82.5 kg – 182 lb
6/18 – 81.2 kg – 179 lb
6/20 – 80.6 kg – 177.75 lb
6/21 – 80.0 kg – 176.4 lb
Nearly 6 pounds off in 5 days… happy girl 😀

Food today:
Breakfast: 2 hard fried eggs and 3 slices lean bacon (yes, I know bacon isn’t Dukan… not giving it up!)
Lunch: 4 slices of london broil roast beef slices & 4 slices of low fat Cheddar rolled up together
Snack: 2 boiled eggs
Dinner: 7 oz. chicken breast stir fried with onions and spices
Snack: Fat Free Greek yogurt with 1 pkt Splenda and 2 Tbs flaxseed meal

Feeling better about things… back on track. Gotta look fab for my 50th bday which is a short 5 months away 🙂

How is everyone else doing?


What a Week and a Half

It’s been 10 days of up and downs, but things are improving!

Last Sunday a bike ride after church and then a drive 70 miles north to Melborne to visit Nick in the hospital. Very sick, my boy 😦  He had surgery for this unknown infection in his left leg at 0700. Ask for prayers for healing… so many responses… THANK YOU!

Monday drive 70 miles south to job at the birth center. Call on my drive home, Nick being rushed back into surgery after spiking at 104.6 temp.

Tuesday drive 70 miles north to see Nick. Things not looking good. Surgeon says he may have to amputate to save Nick’s life. Lots and lots of prayer and healing energy, lots of emails and messages on facebook… my friends are AWESOME! Still no work on what this infection is.

Wednesday. Drive 70 miles south to birth center drive. In the late afternoon we’re told that it’s Group G strep… I’ve never heard of it. Conversation with my friend Julie so positive and full of light. Great suggestions! She also sends texts which I forward to Nick. I go to my Wednesday night bible study and everyone asks how Nick is… prayers said, uplifted by everyone’s spirit and positivity. Go to wifi cafe to read up on this G strep and it doesn’t look good. The first study I read 1 in 5 die. 2 of the 4 that survive have amputation. I decide to meditate on his leg and body being WHOLE. I went home, tucked Sydnie into bed and went for a 45 minute run… forgot to set the RunKeeper, but think it was about 3 miles total.

Thursday… NO IDEA WHAT I DID… LOL Oh wait! Tiffany and I ran the billing business all day… sheesh, I have NO BRAIN! Nick got his PICC line. That is an indwelling catheter in his subclavian artery so they don’t have to keep poking him for blood draws and resticking for IVs every 72 hours. Nick will be receiving long term antibiotics through this port for approximately a month.

Friday… Drive 80 miles to my college teaching job. Had a GREAT class. I really, really love teaching midwifery. LOVE IT. Then 10 miles north to the birth center to hook up with my girls and a 180 mile drive across the state to the west coast to see the mother of US midwifery Ina Mae Gaskin’s film premier and a meet and greet with her. Thank you boss lady, Miriam, for the trip… you’re the best… I still think the highlight of the trip was the stop at the TACO TRUCK in the middle of nowhere (South Bay) on the way over. FYI: I only ate the pork with the onions and cilantro… yum!!! Then 180 miles back to the birth center, where I spent the night, exhausted!

Saturday… Drive 70 miles north to home. Catch up on housework, saw the grandkids, did a nice bike ride. Nick improving. Doc cautiously optomistic. No temp over 100 for 3 days!!! Woo hoo!!!

Sunday… rode my bike to church 4.25 miles. Then rode it home, but took the long way…

Gorgeous day for a long bike ride!

Gorgeous day for a long bike ride!

My butt hurts, LOL. But it was a GORGEOUS ride! Lots of time to think and not think and just enjoy the wind in my hair. Nick update… surgeon says Nick is doing so well, he MIGHT go home this week! Last Tuesday he told him he’d be in hospital for at least 3 weeks! He will keep his PICC line in and continue on the long term antibiotics, but be at home. This is awesome news!

Monday… 70 mile drive to birth center job. It’s EARTH DAY and we’re celebrating. So much fun! Nick is still doing well and is waiting on news whether he gets to go home this week.

On the Dukan front… I’m eating very well, but my weight isn’t budging. I was starting to get VERY discouraged, but had a pep talk with myself. I know the Dukan Diet works… I mean everyone that follows this blog knows that. I also know that stress causes cortisol levels to rise, which makes it difficult to lose weight… I’m thinking my cortisol levels are through the roof this past week and a half 🙂 My weight is 164. I’ll take that, for now. I’m focusing on my boy and that’s what is important. I’ll just keep eating right and it’ll happen.

So that’s the update. Waiting on word on whether he is going home today. My mom and sis are on the way there now. I’ve been skyping him on days I can’t be there. And I am so grateful for the technology that we have!

Skyping with Nick

Skyping with Nick

My bike... a gift for which I'm grateful :)

My bike… a gift for which I’m grateful 🙂

Ina Mae Gaskin at her movie premier.

Ina Mae Gaskin at her movie premier.

So that’s my week… what have you been up to? How is your exercise and food choices going?


Dukan – Cosolidation Day 333

Monday was a travel LOTS day 🙂

Drove the 70 miles to work after having a nice breakfast of 2 scrambled eggs with a half sauteed onion.
Angie took this pic of me… I need to get back out and run… thighs are looking a little thick!!

Work Monday 4/8/13

Work Monday 4/8/13

Lunch was 3 slices of rare roast beef… YUM! And a couple of cups of coffee.
Snack: 2 boiled eggs
I then raced north to get Sydnie from after school care and picked her up dinner then raced back south 35 miles to teach a class at a hospital. Had a great time meeting a few couples that are now more prepared to have a good birth experience!
Then the drive home at 9 p.m…. forgot to eat dinner!!! So I had a FF Greek yogurt with splenda and flax seed.
I then went out for a quick walk before bed.

Water intake: 2700 mL
Exercise: 25 minute walk 😦
Weight Friday: 168
Weight Monday: 167 Argh!

I did take a 6 mile bike ride along the ocean road on Sunday morning and it was glorious… perfect weather! Glad I’ve got the bike in working order.


Finding Sandi…

It’s been a busy week! I started out with my typical day off and spent all of Monday cleaning house after having grandkids there all weekend! 😀

On Monday (or was that Sunday? Sheesh, I can’t remember!) I managed a walk with a friend over the bridges that I posted about last week…

Walking the bridges!

Walking the bridges! Around the 3 km mark there is a dock that goes out over the water! 

Then Tuesday and Wednesday a commute to job 1… the Center Director at an amazing birth house. Upside… I work with some crazy and fun people. Downside… it’s an hour drive each way and for only 3 days a week, which doesn’t pay the bills 😦

It's been a grey kinda week! Grey dress, grey hose, grey shoes... at least the sun is shining!

It’s been a grey kinda week! Grey dress, grey hose, grey shoes… at least the sun is shining!

Then on Thursday I started a new, every once in a while job, teaching at a college about 20 minutes even further from my home… Not complaining, as it supplements my income!

Then on Thursday afternoon I drove another 35 miles south to do some admin work for a midwife friend of mine who is converting her practice to electronic medical records. I spent the night at her house, so I could get an early start (and not waste time and money on driving!) and had this yummy breakfast…

Chicken sausage, mushrooms and eggs. Mmmm!

Chicken sausage, mushrooms and eggs. Mmmm!

Here it is finished…

Breakfast plated.

Breakfast plated. I love adding avocado!

I then set out for a long day of data entry and scanning. Totally worth it. As it could all be done via wifi I sat outside on the deck next to her pool and worked all day! The Vitamin D was welcome! BeBe loved it too…

BeBe loves being a Florida dog!

BeBe loves being a Florida dog!

Janice came home just as I was cooking this for dinner…

Stir fry: Omaha steaks with scallion, garlic, mushroom and asparagus! OH MY!

Stir fry: Omaha steaks with scallion, garlic, mushroom and asparagus! OH MY!

I have found myself in a bit of a rut and a little down the past few weeks. My plan was to come home, work PT at the birth house and take time to get my health and fitness business up and going. Part of the problem with feeling down is that I COMFORT EAT 😦     I have caught myself reaching for things (mostly dark chocolate or Fritos) when I’m feeling sorry for myself. Two significant things happened yesterday to kick me back on to the right path.

One… I spoke with Jamie, my amazing logo designer, about getting my web site for the business going. She is so encouraging and gave me an assignment to get the text going. So do know that I am committed to getting the site up by FEBRUARY 1st (I say this more for me than anyone else, lol)

Two… I got a message on Facebook in my “other” folder, while on the phone with Jamie! I opened it and found these words (I’ve not posted the whole message)…

I just wanted to let you know what an inspiration your Dukan journey has been for me. I started Dukan on August 20th of this year and so far have banished 50lbs. I have about 35 more to go. Not sure how I came across your blog, but I have finally got caught up to date with your journey. Soooo many times I have turned to read a few days of your blog when I was battling cravings etc and the words spoke right to me!

Towards the end of the message the letter writer encourages me to write more posts, and I need to, and thank you for encouraging me to do that! This weekend I am going to write out a blog post schedule and STICK TO IT! Ironically, she and I started Dukan on the exact same day (a year apart) with the exact same weight to lose! How cool is that!?!!

I need to find myself. I need to take the time to immerse myself in solitude and write and write and write my business goals out, again, once more, so that it becomes clear again. I need to keep writing out my vision boards and focus on making them a reality. And I need to respect who I am, what I’ve achieved and continue to feed my body GOOD.CLEAN.FOOD! Because I look and feel better than ever!

How do you make sure that you turn your visions into reality? How do you keep yourself on track?






Happy 2013!

Wow… what a CRAZY, CRAZY, CRAZY year! 42 Take offs and Landings… 91,000 air miles logged. From huge airplanes (Boeing A380) to a small 9 seater. China, Hong Kong, U.S., Japan and the Bahamas.

I completed the Dukan diet in May, having lost 111 pounds! And for the most part have kept it off. I bounce up a few pounds, readjust and it comes back off.

I went from not being able to run for 45 seconds to running 5K and completed one. I am now training for a triathlon next August with bloggy friends Cindy, Sandra and Anna and can’t wait!!!

I’ve also done yoga and a program called D.I.R.T. regularly… D.I.R.T. kicks my ass!

Last year I brought New Years in with my dear friend Lucy in Hong Kong…

New Years Eve in Hong Kong Dec 31, 2011. With Lucy Rowney.

New Years Eve in Hong Kong Dec 31, 2011. With Lucy Rowney.

Crazy how much has happened in the past 12 months! Crazy how blessed and fortunate I am to have the people in my life that I do. Crazy how lucky I am to have an amazing job with two crazy women that I adore and love working with!!

December 2012Lorie, Me and Miri

December 2012
Lorie, Me and Miri

The next adventure? Planning a conference for birth workers in Ecuador for July this year and planning my own little trip into Peru to visit Machu Picchu afterwards. It’s going to be an amazing trip!

What are your plans for 2013?

I hope all of you have a blessed, amazing, healthy and prosperous 2013!

Sandi 🙂


Dukan – Consolidation Day 222 – Recipe

Wow!!! 222 days since I met my goal weight… time sure flies. I’m nearly half way through the 500 days of Consolidation (it is 5 days for every pound you lost to your goal weight, which for me was 155, so 100 pounds lost… that said, I actually lost an additional 11 pounds for a total of 111 pounds, but I’m not counting those in my Consolidation #)… clear as mud?

Since Thanksgiving I had gained 3.5 pounds. This brought me dangerously close to 150 pounds… On Friday I was 149.8. So I took action. I decided to do 4 Pure Protein days in a row this week. I started on Monday.

2 boiled eggs and 2 slices of sharp NY cheddar (yum!!!)
4 slices of deli roast beef and 4 slices of deli sliced turkey with 2 slices of muenster cheese
Pork Chop baked in the oven with onions

Breakfast: 2 egg omelet with cheddar and 3 slices of bacon (yes, i technically know this is not Dukan friendly, but it is low carb!) 😀
Lunch: OMG Crockpot Tuesday… recipe below
Dinner: Stuck at the birth center assisting a birth…. 7 olives and 6 squares of feta cheese… low carb, but NOT the dinner I was hoping for 😦
Snack: FF Greek Yogurt w/Splenda

Should have taken a picture BEFORE it was nearly devoured!

Should have taken a picture BEFORE it was nearly devoured!

Dukan Spicy Chicken
Serves: 8 (I feed the crew here at the Palms Birth House lunch on Tuesdays)
1 TBS coconut oil
4 pounds chicken thighs (boneless/skinless) You could use breasts, but thighs are WAY CHEAPER!!!
2 large onions, chopped (I like big chunks)
4 garlic cloves (crushed and chopped)
Grated zest of a lime
Juice of same lime
6 TBS apple cider vinegar
3 TBS water
2 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp paprika
1 tsp crushed chilli flakes
2 TBS splenda
Dash of salt
I also added a TBS of my son-in-laws homemade Awesome Sauce (think home grown habenaros!)

Turn your crockpot to HIGH.
Heat a skillet on medium with coconut oil. Brown the chicken in the skillet, 3 minutes each side. Add to crockpot.
Sauté the onions for 2 minutes and then add the garlic and sauté two more minutes. Add to the crockpot.
In a small bowl mix the rest of the ingredients. Add to the crockpot.
Cook on high for 3 hours.
Eat and enjoy!

This lunch was FANTASTIC! The entire birth house smelled so yummy! It was very much a winter dinner. Let me know if you try it!


Dukan – My Last Walk to Work

Today marks the end of my contract here in Hangzhou, China AND my last day of work. I fly home to the U.S. tomorrow and I am more than ready and SO excited!

I took the east sidewalk today… I would say that 80% of the time I take the west side. It depends a lot on the traffic lights 🙂 The darker tile is the Blind Person walkway, it is on every sidewalk in China that I’ve walked on. And the lane next to the sidewalk is the bicycle, e-bike, scooter lane. They have their own lane separated from the car traffic.

Last year I walked on my first day of work. I was a month into the Dukan Diet and I weighed 236 lbs/107.5 kgs. I was walking every day in Abu Dhabi for the prescribed 30 minutes. On that walk to work which is 1.5 kms/0.92 miles I decided that I was going to walk to and from work EVERY SINGLE DAY for the whole year of my contract. AND DAMMIT… I DID! I walked every single day to work for 12 months. My estimate (taking into consideration vacations and trips to work in other cities, where I also walked to work) is that here in Hangzhou I walked to work approximately 200 times. That’s 200 miles! Woot!

I have to admit that there were days that I was SO tempted to hail a cab or take the bus (it’s a .35 km walk to the bus stop, then it’s just one bus stop up)… there were 7 weeks in February and March where EVERY SINGLE DAY it was 41F and raining and it sucked… but I walked, because you set goals and you reach them and you feel like I do right this minute! 😀

I also walked home 90% of those days. The only days I didn’t was days that I was going into the city for groceries or dinner and caught a cab or bus. So my best guess is that I probably walked to and from work about 380+ miles over the course of this past year.

Did you get in your 30 minutes of movement today???
