Thereā€™s nothing ā€œhappyā€ about Memorial Day. Itā€™s a national day of mourning. Mourning US Service personnel that died while serving our country. The day was originally called Decoration Day. This day is also not about our veterans. Itā€™s about folks who never got to be veterans because they died while still serving.

Today flags should fly at half mast until noon, then be at full mast the rest of the day.

Today give thanks to folks who lost members of their family while serving our great country.

Namaste šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø

Are We Immune to the News?

19 kids dead. Up from ā€˜justā€™ 14 yesterday. 2 adults also dead. Are we immune to this. Do we not care anymore? Itā€™s not affecting my family, so no big deal?

What strikes me funny is thisā€¦

Letā€™s pull ALL the peanut butter!!! Thereā€™s a ā€œPOTENTIALā€ for contamination.

But hey, letā€™s keep selling weapons of mass destruction that kills 20 kids/6 adults (Sandy Hook), 14 dead kids at Parkland, 19 dead kids at Uvalde yesterday. This is NOT what our forefathers had in mind when the 2nd amendment was written. Our legislators need to strap on some balls, give the finger to the gun lobby and protect our fucking citizens. Enough is Enough!

A Call to the Transformational, Lifelong Work of Antiracism

Sharing an article written by Idelette McVicker. She wrote this article 9 days before the massacre in Buffalo, NY this past week. We need to work harder on Antiracism. Racism has shaped the U.S. just as it shaped South Africa. We need to work more on LOVE. We need to look solidly at ourselves in the mirror and admit we are recovering racists.


I’ve been off Facebook since April 26th. A handful of people have noticed (you know who you are and thanks for checking in!), but many haven’t, and that’s OK too. It does show me, however, how out of touch we are with ‘real life’ and how our attention span works in regard to what is in front of us now. I’ve also been off Twitter (which I spent minimal time on anyway).

What’s awesome, is that I can post blogs to Facebook, without actually logging in and getting pulled down in the whirlpool (cesspool?) of stories and news and Johnny Depp court updates and false smiles galore (of those perfect lives none of us live IRL). And that’s what I’m going to do regularly. Post things that are important to me in a blog and walk away.

Really awesome things that have happened since April 26th. I am WAY more productive. Running a business is a lot of work, it’s less work when you aren’t popping in on social media and coming up for air realizing you’ve been on for 35 minutes, long past what you had time for. A new semester started at the college I work for. Sydnie and Sadie turned 18!!! Sadie went to her last day of school last Friday and graduates high school, with honors, next Monday. My mom turned NINETY-ONE!!! I wasn’t sure she was going to make it to that milestone, but she did, and as always I am grateful. Sofia turned 14!! And I partially ruptured my patellar tendon… which has NOT been fun. And an amazing, thoughtful and loving friend suprised me with a gift yesterday that touched my heart and was exactly what I needed! I am blessed with some pretty awesome folks in my life!

So there it is… I’ve got a few scheduled blogs over the few days and they will post automatically. I am still on Messenger (for now) and of course you’re always welcome to text or call.


Alex for 400

In memory of my favorite game show host that visited my dreams ā¤

Flamidwyfe's Blog

So, last night was the 2nd night this week Iā€™ve had the same dreamā€¦

Alex Trebek and I are backpacking around South America in Ecuador, Peru, Paraguay and weā€™re looking for precious gems. There is a whole Celestine Prophecy and Indiana Jones feel to the adventure.

Alex tells me over dinner at the hacienda that he has to fly back to Studio City the next morning to film Jeopardy, but he wants me to keep searching without him.

The next morning he leaves and I continue my adventure, discovering the secret gems in the late afternoon. I go back to the hacienda to call him and realize heā€™s on live TV (even though I ā€œknowā€ the show is taped) and I decide to call and leave him a message to call me the moment he is off the air.

Iā€™m watching him on TV as Iā€™m calling and he looksā€¦

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Coffee & Chili Rubbed Ribs

I can’t believe it’s been a year since I wrote a post!

How is everyone? I’m great. Traveling for work, busy with my new passion, my Skoolie and on Day 16 of a Whole30 round. I haven’t done a complete Whole30 in a few years and even though I’ve remained gluten-free for nearly 8 years, I’m still having some aches and pains that I wanted to see what might be triggering them.

On Whole30 you cook A LOT. And that’s cool, since I love cooking! Last night I made ribs with my favorite homemade rub. And thought I’d share it with you. These can be made in your quick cooker (instant pot) fast or slow. I’ll include both here. Yesterday they were slow cooked because I love how it permeates the air in the bus šŸ˜‹


1 pound of ribs (I used boneless country-style)

2 large onions sliced in chunks


2 heaping TBS of Ancho Chili Pepper (I used Penzeys Chili 9000 blend)

1 TBS ground espresso coffee

1 TBS smoked paprika

1 TBS roasted garlic

1/4 cup coconut oil

3/4 cup stock (doesn’t matter what kind, use water if you don’t have stock)

Turn your quick cooker on brown/sautƩe and put in the coconut oil.

Throw your ribs in a gallon-sized zip-loc bag. Dump in the spices. Shake until completely coated.

Brown ribs on each side for 3 minutes (if using traditional slow cooker do this in a pan).

Throw the onions on top of the ribs.

Add stock.

Place lid on.

If slow cooking cook for 4 hours.

If quick cooking 45 minutes!

I had a side of sweet potato with ghee.

Consume šŸ˜‹


WanderLust Bus Road Trip #1

An update from ThisMidwifeTravels

This Midwife Travels

Today is Day 14 of the WanderLust Busā€™ inaugural trip and Iā€™ve been having a blast! My friend Alice, a midwife in north Florida, is with me on this adventure.

I started on September 29th by driving from home to Apopka, FL where I met up with other skoolie friends and had an amazing weekend!

Off I go! Pulling out of the driveway for my first big adventure!

My View This was my view for two mornings in a row. So peaceful at John and Sarahā€™s place!

View from Kitchen And this was the view from the other side of the bus ā¤

Max and BeBe The dogs and I enjoying the peace and quiet.

Seat Addition Charlie and Jeremiah installed a seat up front for Alice to sit in, it even has seat belts! I nearly broke Charlieā€™s toe, trying to set it in the chair railā€¦ heā€™s such an awesome dude that he worked right through it. Sorry Charlie šŸ˜¦ Andā€¦

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WanderLust Bus after Irma

This Midwife Travels

I know, I know, Iā€™m LONG overdue for an updateā€¦ Iā€™ll get to that soon, but I did want everyone to have an update of the bus after the stormā€¦ itā€™s 2 a.m. in Jensen Beach, Fl, but Nick, my awesome son, braved the rain to go out and get a pic for me. As I sat here, all the way in Beira, Mozambique, Africa, I began sobbingā€¦ I may have confused the poor housekeeper who only speaks Portuguese, but I smiled to let her know I was OK.

I am pouring with relief. Not being there in Florida with my kids, grandkids, mom, neighbors and bus, has been the hardest thing ever. I canā€™t even imagine what it was like at home! And the north part of my state (or really north of Orlando still) is not out of harmā€™s way yetā€¦ nor is my mother, who stayed inā€¦

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WanderLust Bus Update May 12, 2017

This Midwife Travels

Back from quite a bit of traveling since I got home from my trip to the Panhandle. I was in China for 4 weeks assisting a mama with the birth of her wee little guy. This midwife loves traveling to births!

My son has been helping me tremendously on the bus this week and weā€™ve made some changes to the bathroom (I know, I knowā€¦ Iā€™m so indecisive!), but things have kicked into high gear and my boy has been busting his butt getting it done. Thanks, Nick!!!!

MAY 2017 3 So I felt like I wanted the toilet areaā€™s floor space to be a little more spacious, and I wanted the toilet area and the shower to be all once space. So we took out the bench, (you can see it in the bottom left of this pic), took out the wall that was separating the two areas and built a platformā€¦

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