Low Carb Keto Cream Cheese Pancakes

These were easy to make and yummy!

4 pancakes

2 servings

Nutrition each serving:

Calories 390 k/cal

Fat 35g

Protein 16g

Carbs 3g


4 oz cream cheese

4 eggs

I added a pkt of Splenda (optional)

Butter ~4 tsp


Put cream cheese and eggs in a blender. I took my blender off and shook it to have an even batter.

Place a pat of butter in small pan and melt.

Pour batter to cover bottom of pan.

When you see the sides turning up, flip (about 2 mins on medium heat).

Cook another minute and plate.



Dukan Diet – Days 9 & 10 – A baby and an update on Tiff

Eating strict Dukan, feeling groovy! Feeling very good about the diet and the exercise. I set a goal to do 25 miles by July 1st, I surpassed that this afternoon! It’s the 11th! Woot!!!

The support I’ve had for Tiffany from family and friends, local and afar, has been amazing. I feel so blessed. Tiffany is feeling overwhelmed by the generosity. A reply yesterday from her had me in tears… My love, Tiffany, you DO deserve the love and support of all these people. TIFF had her heel set and she’s now in a cast up to her knee, no weight bearing for 6 weeks. Hard with four kids, but she’ll be able to do it with continued support. She had pain relief initially we the cast, but now that her swelling is going down, she’s actually having pain again. The doc will put on a smaller cast Monday, to support it more.

And…. A baby. A lovely wee boy slipped into my hands yesterday afternoon. This is my 2nd of the two babies I came to China to assist earthside. I’ve said it a few thousand times and will continue saying, I am so blessed to be present and in service to families at their births. I came home, had dinner and did 5K, faster than I had in a long time (which is slow for most, but fast for me… At least I’m out there, lol). A birth high… Feels so good!


During this run I also restarted C25K because Jenni and Sadie are doing it (my oldest daughter and my granddaughter). They started yesterday, too. So when I get home, we’ll be up to speed with each other and can run together. We’re doing the virtual kilomathon together this month and a 5K near home together in September. Three generations running together… How cool is that?!?!

Dukan Diet Redo – Day 4 & 5 – PP/PV

I’ve had a busy first few days in Shanghai getting settled in, meeting new people, finding the grocery stores, etc. I am staying with friends of the couple I am here to assist and they are all lovely. On Wednesday I got to hang out with the awesome kids at Amy’s house and then came back to the flat I am staying in and met a pretty awesome 5 1/2 year old… she thought I came to Shanghai to be a “wife” for Amy, too stinkin’ cute.

Day 4 Food:
Breakfast: 2 tea eggs
Lunch: salami (yes, I know that the fat is too high for Dukan, but it’s what was available, lol) and 2 ounces of low fat cheese
Dinner: Beef stir fry
Snack: FF Greek yogurt with flax seed
Water: 1300mL
Exercise: Walked around all day and didn’t calculate that, but did an intentional interval walk: 1.9 miles

View from the balcony of the flat I’m staying in. It’s been around 70 degrees and hazy since I got here Tuesday evening. The sun peeks through the haze every once in a while 🙂

Thursday was Day 5:
Breakfast: 2 fried eggs and a sausage link
Lunch: Iced coffee and FF Greek yogurt
Dinner: Cauliflower stir fried with ginger and spicy something!! Yum and some beef stir fry, as well. So yummy!
Snack: FF Greek yogurt
Water: 1500mL
Exercise: 2.2 interval walk + walking around all day.

I have my blue tooth keyboard hooked up to my iPad so typing is so much faster and easier!


It’s Friday afternoon here, just found out the Miami Heat lost to the Spurs… argh… they need to get it together!!! I’m off to explore the streets!


Dukan Diet Redo – Day 3 – Attack

So now I’m in Shanghai. Nice 2 hour flight delayed by rain, but settling in. 

Breakfast: Tea Eggs

Lunch: Roast beef and FF Greek yogurt

Dinner: Chicken breast, garlic scapes

Water: more than 1500mL

Exercise: 2.25 miles + tons of walking at airport!

I’m excited to be back in Shanghai. Looking forward to a visit in Hangzhou after this baby is born. 


Dukan Diet Redo – Day 2 – Attack

Day 2 and all is well. Still no scale, but I’m sure I’m losing. I’m heading up to Shanghai this evening for 2 weeks, I love visiting familiar places, although I feel Shenzhen is familiar now!

Feeling good, no tummy troubles, eating perfectly 🙂

Breakfast: Scrambled eggs
Lunch: Pork belly, 1/2 onion
Dinner: big ole hamburger (lean)
Snack: yogurt with flax seed meal
Water: > 2000mL

I walked 4.86 miles yesterday & did a 75 minute yin yoga class. This is from one of my walks:


Time to finish packing for my flight!


Dukan Diet Redo – Day 1 Attack

So here I am again 🙂 China, needing to lose weight, needing to exercise more. I’ve gained back 40 pounds of the 111 that I lost, IN 10 months! Many things contributed to this, but the bottom line is I lost my discipline and accountability. I continued to eat well this past year, but it’s so easy to eat out. A fractured foot on Labor Day also added some down time and on and on.

So I figure I’ll start over where it all began! A challenge by Tatjana over at No Heels Just Sneakers started June 1, as well.

I have no idea what I weigh. No scale here. I do know what I weighed when I left home 2 weeks ago and feel like I’ve lost weight already, which is awesome! Lots of walking here in China. I will see if I can pop into a clinic and get a weight. But I’m back on Dukan, I’m doing 5 days of attack, and I’m committed to walking a minimum of 1 mile a day.

Yesterday morning before my first walk of the day, holding my bib. I had it laminated so it would last:


And this is what I walked/ran (intervals of 60/30):


Breakfast: Tea Eggs x 2
Lunch: Pork and garlic stems
Dinner: Beef stir fry with red onion chunks and garlic stems
Snack: Yogurt with 1 Tbs flax seed meal
Water: 1500 mL throughout the day

So that’s Day 1. Feeling great. Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend!


China – Again :)

I’m back in China. This time for 6 weeks to be with two different birthing families. Baby number one was born this past Tuesday and he’s a keeper!


Yes, that’s a chip clip on his cord. Sometimes you have to improvise 😀

Wednesday my friend Alice and I met up with my personal assistant Rose from Guangzhou. She brought along Jack (yes, Jack and Rose) and they are now married! We went to Splendid China and had a splendid day!










We finished our day together with amazing, mouth numbing Hunan food!

Thursday Alice and I walked across the border to Hong Kong. Spent the day exploring and picking up things that Alice needed.

Last night I had dinner with Lotte, a midwife from Denmark. I wish our obstetrics were more like theirs! No competition for money = excellent care for women. The midwives take care of the 90% of women who have normal pregnancies and the OBs only take care of the complicated patients. Hmmm, what a concept. Their infant and maternal mortality rates are much better than ours. I wish we’d take the money out of medicine so all of us could receive better care!

I also signed up for a month long challenge (see yesterday’s post) and Tatjana sent me this very cool racing bib…


And last, but not least, not only am I going to do the month long Kilomathon, but I’m going to do strict Dukan every day the month of June. I’m committed, going to shed those pounds that creeped back on 🙂

So here’s to a wonderful June… You ready?!?!?


2nd verse, same as the first!

Well my first week of being 50 has been fabulous!

An old friend, Beryl, came to town from Georgia. She hadn’t been home in 7 years and we had a get together at Terra Fermata… one of my best memories of Beryl is that when I was so exhausted from being a new, young, single mom and working full time, she came over, packed up my baby and took him for an overnight. More than once! I cannot even begin to tell you how fortunate and grateful I was for that simple act of kindness.

Beryl's welcome home party.

Beryl’s welcome home party.

I also ran a 5K my first week of being 50. The Reindeer Dash. It was my first real run since fracturing my foot. I’ve done some minimal interval training, but no real running. I thought I was going to die! It is still hot and humid here in sunny South Florida! By mile one I was gasping for air, but I finished it! My friend Shannon and her daughter ran back to where I was and finished it with me. The support I have from my friends is nothing short of AMAZING! My friend Ed took first place in the mens 50-54 and Shannon took 3rd in the women’s 40-44. So super proud of them both! Elizabeth hit a PR and I think that Dana did too! This was 12 year old Breeze’s first 5K!



And my daughter Tiffany and I started the Attack phase of Dukan yesterday. I have gained back almost 30 pounds of my 100+ lb weight loss. I am eating well, but haven’t been MOVING or drinking enough water. It amazes me how fast it creeps on. But I will not be beaten! LOL… I am a fighter and just need to buckle down. I can make excuses all day long, but the bottom line is I am not making enough time for ME! I have spread myself out very thin and it is effecting my weight and my health. That stopped yesterday!

Attack Day 1:
Breakfast: 1 boiled egg, 1 FF Greek Yogurt, coffee
Lunch: Stir fry steak and onions
Snack: Boiled Egg
Dinner: Lean pork chop with onions, garlic and ginger
Snack: FF greek yogurt with flax seed meal
Water: 1000 mL (need to increase!!!)
Exercise: 32 minute walk with Tiffany and Kapone

So fortunate to be able to still be out walking on the waterfront in December in shorts and tank tops!

So fortunate to be able to still be out walking on the waterfront in December in shorts and tank tops!

Tiff and I were suppose to fly to San Antonio Monday morning on a business trip for our billing business, but ice storms in Dallas prevented us from going. So we decided that Monday was the day to start, and we did! I’m down 1.5 pounds since yesterday morning 🙂

I hope everyone has a fantastic week! I sure plan on it!


Let’s Have A Catch Up!

Well thank you, Mona, for the kick in the butt to write a blog 🙂

Where to start? The radio show I talked about in my last blog was so much fun! I had nausea all day that day, for nothing! The hosts made me feel like we were sitting in a comfy den, chatting over coffee. If you missed it you can click here: Sandi on Maternally Yours radio

The first weekend in September I traveled to our nation’s capital to visit my friend Rana, her husband Mohammed and their son Azooz. They were here visiting from Abu Dhabi. So wonderful seeing Rana. She is like a sister to me and I cherish our friendship!

I can’t believe how big Azooz has gotten!

On Monday morning my dear friend Danielle came visiting!


We had a wonderful breakfast with Rana and then she dropped us off…

We visited The Mall, the Lincoln Memorial at one end, and the new Martin Luther King, Jr Memorial. We even saw President Obama when his helicopter flew just above our heads at the MLK Memorial.






Oh, and this happened first thing Monday morning! I didn’t let it prevent me from walking all over DC!


I just did this…

And continued on.

On Tuesday I spent about 5 hours walking around Arlington National Cemetery. What an amazing experience.






The servicemen and women in this section were born in the 80’s and 90’s very sobering. I found myself whispering, “thank you”, over and over.

Then it was time to fly home. Wednesday morning I drove to work and then went to my chiropractor Ian Schtulman’s office for an X-ray. Diagnosis… Fractured 5th metatarsal. That’s a fancy word for broken foot. So I am now wearing this gorgeous fashion accessory…


That night was girls night out… Nothing like hanging with the girlies! I met some new friends who are just as awesome as the old gang!


Friday brought me to the International Institute for Health Care Professionals where I have the honor to teach student midwives. I have to say its the highlight of my week… Here are some of my girls at lunch with me…


Saturday I was suppose to run the 9/11 Heroes Run, but broken foot wouldn’t allow me. So I got up early to support my friends who were running it and took pics!



Saturday night was my friend Lorie’s 50th birthday party… It was a wear all white party, which I thought was an awesome concept… Then I found out why…

Yes, that’s me, all did up!

I was spared the color fun due to my broken foot 😀

Sunday morning spent with family at Life Church Jensen Beach… The part of the week I really look forward to! I stopped for a sunrise coffee…

Sunday afternoon spent having a BBQ with my friends Ed and Elizabeth… Watched my Dolphins win their season opener and the Serena win the US Open… Phone call from midwife colleague Tammy to GO NOW to an address she texted me… She had three births going at the same time! What an honor to assist one of my former assistants and be present at beautiful beginnings…
This is me charting on the electronic medical record on my iPhone (technology rocks!!) and assisting the baby with breastfeeding at the same time 🙂


At midnight the birth workers, having been present at 5 births total this beautiful Sunday, gathered at the Irish pub for libations and to exchange birth stories… I love these beautiful women!


Poured down the rain on the 70 mile commute on Monday morning. Cranky from the rain or lack of sleep? Nope… Thankful for the busyness of my life and for the rain to nourish my space here on Earth. I was rewarded with this, just as I pulled into work…


Busy, busy week working all my jobs… Monday & Wednesday the Birth House, Tuesday & Thursday SLB Billing (my midwife billing service), also did a ton of paperwork to help a sister midwife get caught up. Thursday night, Life Groups (another highlight of my week), Friday teaching in Boca at the midwife college.

Wednesday, September 11 was my baby Tiffany’s 28th birthday. We also buried my Uncle Russell at the So. Florida Veteran’s Memorial Park. Uncle Russ was my mom’s little brother and Tiffany’s Godfather. He will be missed. He was quite the jokester!

And then off on another travel adventure to catch a baby in the Virgin Islands…


I missed baggage check in by TWO MINUTES, so had to change flight to 8 hours later… Not a big deal. Had a yummy breakfast…

And hung out in the Admirals Lounge for the day. Even got to watch my Dolphins win the 2nd game of the season! I “checked-in” on Four Square from the Admirals Lounge and American Airlines TWEETED about me on their Twitter account… How cool is that???


Ill post an update from St. John in a couple of days… Need to make breakfast and get ready for the beach 🙂 Here’s a couple teaser photos…


View from the flat I’m staying in.

I hope everyone is having an amazing September!


Dukan – Consolidation Day 451 of 550

Monday was a PV day.

I commute 70 miles one way to work on Monday and Wednesday. I’m dedicated to the work that my fellow midwife Miriam does, and therefore have a part-time job as the administrator there. It’s fun, hectic, crazy, loud, beautiful, frustrating and awesome there.

Breakfast: Dukan pancake and cup of coffee
On drive: 500 mL water
Lunch: Spinach & arugula salad with chicken chunks, 500 mL water
On drive: 1000 mL water
Dinner: 2 lean pork chops with broccoli
Snack: FF Greek yogurt with splenda and flax seed meal

Exercise: 25 minute walk + 20 minutes of yoga

Today is a work at home day and lunch with a friend. I hope everyone is having a good week so far!
